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Reinterpreting Personal Growth

By Miguel Gurrola

Reinterpreting personal growth

By Miguel Gurrola


“Concede parum, nega nunquam, sed distingue semper”

"Never deny, rarely affirm, always distinguish”.

- Universidad de Salamanca

Pluralism of societies today make conflicts inevitable due to the large variety of mentalities and interests.

The way of thinking is not detached of the way of living and that is the reason why every person is called to develop an independent thinking that gives to each action its corresponding weight. It is about inviting people to develop the practical wisdom of the middle course that brings balance and harmony in the way they see the world.

The concept “Reinterpreting personal growth” is a way of looking at life with different eyes and perspectives, without having to give up our beliefs and giving ourselves the chance to learn from everything that surrounds us, even when other people do not share our points of view about one or many subjects.

Reinterpreting personal growth means looking at our context of life with new eyes without expecting to be totally right, and turning dialogue into a way of learning and a motivation for our integral growth as people.  

The benefits of this concept:

  • It helps to tell the difference, to find one, two or more choices of improvement that hadn’t been found before.

  • It develops the mental inventiveness and acuity.

  • It avoids making judgments quickly.

  • It promotes development and empathy by understanding the other’s point of view.

  • It helps to better understand the traces of the past that allow us to go nimbly towards our goals.

  • It develops the good habit of taking a break to redirect our behavior towards what is relevant for us as people.

  • It gives us the opportunity to line up and harmonize our intellective process with our emotions.

  • It allows us to integrate intuition and argument in order to avoid coming to a standstill. With this we accomplish a better alignment between what we think, feel, and do.

Reinterpreting personal growth is an invitation for being more aware of the transformational power of a clear thought in harmony with the multiple intelligences and talents we have. It is a way of feeling lighter when moving forward without losing our focus on the things that allow us to be happier.

The process of “Reinterpreting personal growth” starts when we ask ourselves the following questions:


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